
Hello! My name is Abby and I am going to school to become an ASL/English interpreter. This page is full of my interpreting homework and other cool things about interpreting. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Patrie 2.5 English to ASL

Study Questions:
1. Context: This lady is presenting shortly to a crowd of people before an auction begins about her hobby of collecting antiques. There is an audience of 50 people. 7 of them are Deaf and 43 are hearing. They are between the ages of 20 and 70.

2. Stress Levels: 2(some) -3(moderate)
I did not feel too stressed about this and when I missed something or got a little behind is when I got stressed out. For the most part I had worked with this text before and the things I did not understand the first time I understand now. 
3. Process Time: 3 (fair)
I thought I did a good job to give myself enough time to understand and process what the lady was saying. If I started too early I realized I needed to pause. 
4. Self-monitoring: 3 (fair)
There were a couple times I messed up and thought I made it clear but did not. I know I need to work on self monitoring and keeping it in the back of my mind. 
5. Resuming after falter: 2(fair) -3(good)
I felt I did pretty good on this. There were two specific times when I knew I messed up and had to fix it and I did my best to stay attentive to the continuing message and felt I did not miss the continued message. 
6. Accuracy: 3(fair)
I think my interpretation was pretty accurate and one thing I totally missed: brass rail lamp. I got the brass rail but I did not get that it was a lamp. I also missed the name of a reclining chair which is chaise lounge. But I felt I did a good job on being clear and accurate of what she was talking about. 

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